How To Save Over $1000 In A Year!

The easiest way to reach a big financial goal is to take it week by week.
I recommend automating a small weekly transfer of $20-$50 into a high-interest savings account.
A smaller sum is easier to manage than a large one-time transfer of hundreds of dollars.
Saving just $20 per week will net you over $1,000 in savings per year.
Change that number to $50 per week and you’ll save more than $2,500 in a year!

Why this works:

  • The amount is small enough that you won’t notice any difference in your budget.
  • If you have something come up you can pause and skip a week and easily catch up the next payday.
  • You’ll see progress towards your goals every week, which will motivate you to keep going.

This method is currently being used to build our Emergency Fund, Christmas Fund, and downpayment!
The possibilities are limitless.